We had a blizzard come through the last couple days here and had a snow day, meaning we had yesterday off work and a late start today! We had greenish looking grass on Tuesday and we now have around 14.5" of snow just in time for Christmas!
The other day I started to make some Christmas gifts. Bath/foot soak with Epsom salt, pink Himalayan salt, and scented with Essential Oils in a cute little jar which came from the dollar section at Target. The house has smelled amazing!
I hope to make some bath fizzies, of course it will be my first time doing this! I am also going to make my hard lotion bars out of beeswax, coconut oil, and shea butter, and try my hand at lip balm! I will post an updated.
Also on the agenda for this weekend is to make some gift tags. I truly want this year to be special and with homemade gifts, I feel that has a special touch. I will post some pictures when I start the gift tag process!
I find a lot of inspiration from different places but recently, Facebook has caught my eye with all their Live videos. Last night from Clearsnap Inc., they posted a live video on their Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Clearsnap/) page titled Faux Wood with ColorBox Blends on making your own wood grain patterned paper for cards. They scored some lines in the paper to make it look like boards or paneling and used ColorBox Blends to make the wood grain pattern. I am sure there are many other ways to make the wood grain pattern but this is one technique if you have their inks.
I find a lot of inspiration from watching Unity Stamp Quick tips. They have a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxLC21pDQxTdaY-_wYDNsww with lots of different videos featuring their stamps and techniques. Here is one technique using Vellum and one of their new stamps called Valentine girl that I would love to try!
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!